Professional Experiences
Full time pathology assistant, Dynacare histology laboratory (2022-present)
Visiting scholar,, the University of Alberta, pathology and nephro-pathology
department( under supervision of Dr.Kim Solez(2019).
Visiting Scholar, University of california Los angeles, CA (2012)
-worked on evaluation of the hormone receptors and maligna
Working on Inflammatory dermatosis and neoplastic lesions,, DIF and IHC tests in an outreach center.
Zare Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran (1998 ndash; 2018)
Founder/ Manager/ Pathologist
Teaching and translation of basic medical science books
Tehran Azad university
(2000-2012)nt melanoma.
Under the supervision of Dr. Raymond Barnhill and Dr. Scott Binder
San diego, ca
Oral Presentation
Erfan hospital
Tehran, Iran
Pathologist in the private hospitalrsquo;s medical laboratory, working especially in Gastrointestinal pathology and dermatopathology
Genitourinary pathology, Endocrine (Thyroid) pathology and Thyroid FNA, Head and neck pathology, female genital pathology, body fluid cytology and immunohistochemistry tests.
Member of molecular laboratory
(2009 ndash; 2018)
Working on Inflammatory dermatosis and neoplastic lesions,, DIF and IHC tests in an outreach center.
Zare Clinical Laboratory, Tehran, Iran (1998 ndash; 2018)
Founder/ Manager/ Pathologist
Teaching and translation of basic medical science books
Tehran Azad university
Skills Highlights
- Clinical Laboratory Management
- Skills in the clinical laboratory and gastrointestinal pathology, thyroid and endocrine pathology and related cytology. Experience in genitourinary pathology and related cytology
- Strong Knowledge of Clinical dermatopathology in inflammatory dermatosis vesicular lesions and DIF tests. As well as Neoplastic skin disease IHC tests
- Knowledge of body fluid cytology and fine-needle aspiration cytology.
- Strong knowledge of basic medical science clinical laboratory documentation and team working
Professional knowledge of laboratory diagnostic equipment.
Education History
- Shahid beheshti medical university
- Tehran -Iran
- Fellowship in Dermatopathology
- (2009 ndash; 2011)
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- Medical Specialty, Surgical Clinical pathology
- (1991 ndash; 1994)
- The University of Tehran
- Tehran -Iran
- Doctor of Medicine (MD)
- (1983 ndash; 1991)