Winter 2006, the beginning year of the Erfan Hospital coincided with a busy start for the anesthesiology group. The anesthesiology group of Erfan Hospital consists of retiree university professors, board members and young doctors and personnel, the aim of whom is to keep up the highest standards of anesthesia and analgesia services.
The most important achievement of the anesthesiology group of Erfan Hospital is provision of modern services using the latest up-to-date equipment of the world, besides preserving the dignity of the patients to such extent that it can be clearly heard from other colleagues and patients.
The anesthesiology group staff include 23 specialists (shareholder and non-shareholder), 33 experienced anesthetists, and 10 recovery nurses working in three shifts, meeting the needs of the surgical group, analgesia services, ICUs, endoscopy unit, painless delivery services and so on.
The main pillar of the management and organization of the anesthesiology department is Dr. Mohammad Rezvan Nobahar, whose management and tact have always helped to promote the scientific level of the personnel and maintain their human dignity.
The services provided in the anesthesiology department of Erfan Hospital include two types: the operating room anesthesia services and the non-operating room anesthesia services.
The operating room services include anesthesia services in the general operating room (general), anesthesia services in the endoscopy unit (outpatient procedures), anesthesia services in the cardiac operating room, and pain management services. Furthermore, anesthesia for ECT is performed in the operating room and also, the IVF surgery room is under the control and guidance of the anesthesiologists.
The anesthesiology group constantly strives to provide the highest quality anesthetic services through the on-the-job training for the specialists and the personnel of the group and using the latest standard equipment in the world.
These services are provided specifically and widely in different departments of the hospital, the most important of which include the regular attendance of anesthesiologists in intensive care units. Invasive procedures including the mechanical ventilation, different types of catheterization, and invasive and non-invasive monitoring are some of activities of the anesthesiology group in ICUs.
Another non-operating room service provided by the anesthesiologists is the painless delivery and continuous presence in the delivery room when needed.
Anesthesia in the imaging units (MRI, CT, etc.), permanent presence in the emergency department, providing services in the general wards, and postoperative control and monitoring of analgesia are within the scope of activities of the members of the anesthesiology group.
We are proud to use the most modern and commonly used equipment and drugs in our beloved country. But in addition to them, we have up-to-date equipment, machines, and monitoring devices that are seldom available in other health centers in the country, the use of which can significantly improve the quality of services provided to patients. Some of them include the followings: